May 6, 2022
Outlet Name:

Melbourne’s Nazzereene delivers an ode to staying in your own lane, with her infectious new groove ‘Where I Belong’.We’ve all been there… not feeling that you fit in with societal norms.But Nazzereene has turned her nose up at all that, discovering that you’re allowed to create and adhere to your very own version of what “normal” should be.And we’re totally here for it.

Review: Revolver by Tim Morrison

April 11, 2022
Outlet Name:
Tongue Tied Magazine

Morrison’s velvety, reverberated voice is the perfect instrument for this epic and driving track. The hook had me singing along instantly and I had a hard time getting it out of my head, indicating Top 40 potential. This piece reminded me of some of Matthew Koma’s past work, I can see Tim Morrison finding success in the EDM sphere as well. “Revolver” would be incredible for sync placements - I can close my eyes and instantly see this on a sci-fi romance movie soundtrack. I’d love to hear this multi-talented vocalist break genre boundaries in future releases.


April 6, 2022
Outlet Name:
Roadie Music

This is that artist who, despite not being known to you, the reader, will immediately hook you into his music for all the richness of elements created and pulsating rhythm in each part sung by him.

Introducing: Dylan Jett – Red

April 4, 2022
Outlet Name:

Dylan’s new single Red focuses on the idea of avoiding the negativity of the world. I enjoy the production immensely. The guitar riffs are easy going and cool, while the drums are punchy and provide a great backbone for the track. But perhaps our favorite element is Dylan’s vocals. They’re layered over the top of everything and provide a nice texture. His voice has a sort of peaceful effect, especially when paired with the tone of the song. We can’t get enough!

Tim Morrison – Revolver

March 23, 2022
Outlet Name:
Find No Enemy

The modern indie rock style that he’s exploring, through a heavy utilisation of more electronic sounds is melodic as hell. The Melbourne based rockstar is continually innovating, and succeeding. From the more electronic and dance driven ‘Failed You’, ‘Revolver’ takes a more palatial feeling to a darker space.


March 23, 2022
Outlet Name:
Iggy Magazine

NAZZEREENE est une découverte musicale. Le genre de petite surprise qui te tombe dessus sans crier gare et qui couvre ton visage d’un beau sourire. Oui, pour habiller votre journée de la plus belle des manières, une belle pause musicale est toujours une bonne idée et « That’s How I Like It » de NAZZEREENE dont nous découvrons le catalogue arrive à point nommé, tombe à pique pour vous faire du bien.

Meet Australian Music Artist Nazzereene

March 22, 2022
Outlet Name:
Cliche Mag

With her single, “That’s How I Like It,” out now, we took some time to hear more from Nazzereene. Read below to learn more about Nazzereene, the story behind her latest single, and what’s to come.

Know More About Nazzereene And Her New Release “That’s How I Like It”

March 16, 2022
Outlet Name:
Music Arena

This record is about liking how it is on your own and taking care of just you! Not wanting to let someone in because you’ve got it all handled. Some of the stages I’ve gone through in the past when pushing away a potential relationship. “I feed my own energy, just how I like it. So good, oh good, I’m gleaming. I’m playing safe, lovin me, cos I know that way, I can never break my heart”.

Nazzereene – That’s How I Like It

March 12, 2022
Outlet Name:
Carte Blanche Music

That’s How I Like It is her new, self-written single. The production is clean and cool, but still manages to sound organic. Despite its retro-disco feel, it’s a timeless song.

Nazzereene releases a dazzling electro-pop tune, entitled, “That’s How I Like It”

March 12, 2022
Outlet Name:
Bong Mines Entertainment

‘That’s How I Like It’ contains a relatable narrative and ear-pleasing vocals that will resonate well with fans of TENSNAKE, Tinashe, and Doja Cat. The cool-as-a-cucumber tune possesses drums, keyboard, and groovy bass-laden instrumentation bursting with electro-pop flavors and contemporary dance elements. Furthermore, “That’s How I Like It” is a fun-filled sonic wonderment that allows Nazzereene’s voice to cut through and take listeners on a seductive journey through time.